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The best apricot jam ever

As we are nearing the end of the summer, I tend to preserve most of my favorite fruits in jam for the rest of the year. Until recently I would only preserve red fruits: cherries, strawberries, raspberries…etc. This year, a friend of mine introduced me to his favorite jam : apricot and vanilla. I got to admit that I don’t really like apricots, they are at the bottom of my list of favorite fruits.

But this jam is INCREDIBLE! I think it’s my favorite of all time. I would choose this one over a raspberry jam any day.  And I don’t even like apricots!  But the tartness of apricots combined with the sweetness of vanilla is such a beautiful combination.

What I like about jam is that you don’t need the most beautiful fruits, it’s one of the best ways to use fruits that are on the decline in a delicious way. It’s easy, quick and you can keep them in a jar for a few months.

Spread it on a piece of bread and enjoy its deliciousness !

apricot jam

Tips to succeed when making


Traditionally, a jam is made with equal quantities of sugar and fruits (500g of sugar for 500g of apricots ). I prefer to use less sugar than fruit (250g of sugar for 500g of apricots). I don't like jams that are too sweet, I prefer to taste the fruit flavor rather than sugar but it is just my personal preference.


Because I am using less sugar , the jam won't preserve for as long. I recommend you leave it in the fridge and eat it relatively quickly (2-3 months). If you would rather keep it for longer, increase the amount of sugar.


There are many ways to sterilize a jar for your jam. I personally prefer to leave my jar in the oven for 15 min at 100°C (212°F) before pouring my jam into it.


apricot jam

Apricot jam

Prep Time 30 minutes


  • saucepan
  • jar
  • immersion blender


  • 500 g pitted apricots
  • 200 g sugar (1)
  • half pod vanilla or 1 tsp of vanilla extract
  • 2.5 g pectin (half a teaspoon)
  • 50 g sugar (2)
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice


  • Pit the apricots and put them in a large, high saucepan with sugar and vanilla.
  • Puree them with an immersion blender, bring to a boil and cook at medium heat for at least 5 minutes.
    apricot jam
  • In a cup, mix together sugar (2) and pectin. This will help to prevent the formation of lumps in the jam.
  • Remove pan from heat. Add the sugar and pectin mix followed by lemon juice. Mix well.
  • Bring back to heat and cook for 2 more minutes
  • Pour into a sterilized jar. Let it completely cool down at room temperature. That's it, you got your jam!
    apricot jam




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[…] toppings would be jam ( see my apricot jam recipe here), maple syrup,  chocolate spread, caramel or even praline ( see my recipe […]