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Lava cake

I did not know lava cake was so popular in North America before moving to Canada! I used to get it all the time if I saw it on the dessert menu in Paris.

Believe it or not but it is super easy to make. it’s just 5 ingredients, 15 minutes of preparation and around 10 minutes of baking. The only tricky thing is the baking time.

The more time it will spend in the oven, the less liquid it will be. I like it medium rare 😉 But my girlfriend prefers it super liquid.

I will give you the amount of time for each liquid state. But remember that it all depends on your oven, you will probably have to adjust the time with yours. If you are more of a visual person when it comes to learning, you can find the recipe in my Youtube video at the end of the page.

Lava cake


Lava cake

Lava cake

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Servings 4 ramekins


  • 65 g sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 60 g flour
  • 120 g butter
  • 120 g Semi Sweet chocolate



  • Preheat your oven at 180°C (360°F). Melt the dark chocolate with the butter in a double boiler or in the microwave by intervals of 30 seconds. Constantly stir in and remove from the stove as soon as the chocolate and the butter are melted .In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs and the sugar until you get a homogenous mix then add the flour (sifted). Add the melted chocolate in the bowl and whisk well. Grease with butter and coat with cocoa powder your ramekin and fill the ramekins with your batter.


  • Here are the different baking times depending on how liquid you want you lava cake to be with the oven temperature at 190°C (350°F).
    Super liquid: 11 minutes
    Medium liquid: 12 minutes
    Melting: 13 minutes
    Well baked: 14 minutes


Remember that the baking time indicated are for my oven it may change for yours as every oven is different. I suggest you bake just one ramekin at 11 min and see if you want to increase or decrease the baking time according to your preference.
You can watch the video for this recipe on my Youtube Channel!
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